WordPress Roles and Capabilities

Following table shows capabilities of different role types WordPress offers. Here I have listed capabilities unique to the role. Each role inherits all the capabilities from its lower capability roles.

The subscribers are having the lowest capabilities. While the Admins (or Super Admins if multi-site) are having maximum capabilities.

For example: Author's total capabilities = Author's Capabilities + Contributor's Capabilities + Subscriber's Capabilities.

Super AdminSomebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features.create_sites, delete_sites, manage_network, manage_sites, manage_network_users, manage_network_plugins, manage_network_themes, manage_network_options, upgrade_network, setup_network
AdministratorSomebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.activate_plugins, edit_dashboard, edit_theme_options, export, import, list_users, manage_options, promote_users, remove_users, switch_themes, customize, delete_site

Only Administrators of single site installations have the following capabilities. In Multisite, only the Super Admin has these abilities:

update_core, update_plugins, update_themes, install_plugins, install_themes, delete_themes, delete_plugins, edit_plugins, edit_themes, edit_files, edit_users, add_users, create_users, delete_users
EditorSomebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.delete_others_pages, delete_others_posts, delete_pages, delete_private_pages, delete_private_posts, delete_published_pages, edit_others_pages, edit_others_posts, edit_pages, edit_private_pages, edit_private_posts, edit_published_pages, manage_categories, manage_links, moderate_comments, publish_pages, read_private_pages, read_private_posts, unfiltered_html (not with Multisite), delete Reusable Blocks, edit Reusable Blocks
AuthorSomebody who can publish and manage their own posts.delete_published_posts, edit_published_posts, publish_posts, upload_files, create Reusable Blocks, edit Reusable Blocks (own), delete Reusable Blocks (own)
ContributorSomebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.delete_posts, edit_posts, read Reusable Blocks
SubscriberSomebody who can only manage their profile.read

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